Date: 23.01.2020 Author: SmrtuS

Globalization and Studies

Globalization: increase of cross border studies and recruitment

Globalization and the increase of cross-border studies and recruitment In the last two decades, there has been tremendous growth in the number of students studying abroad. Sometimes students don’t have University to attend to in their own country or they just want to gain more knowledge and experience from studying in another one.

A European clinical psychologist who had spoken with American students said that they gain a greater sense of focus and awareness of their life goals than the people of their age living in Europe. However, it has its own bad side which is an enormous pressure that is put on on those students and they then the anxiety kicks in. Students want to be the best, they want to prove themselves, so B+ is not an option for them. Free time is not an option for them, because they look at it as a waste of the same. So, there should be a better balance between work and life in all.

If you are the parent of the student who wants to study abroad, you should definitely help your child to prepare and give it advice, but also talk about your past adventures about traveling and gaining new experiences throughout it. Learning about new languages and cultures is always a plus in your future career and life. Communication and understanding play the biggest part when being a parent, so you should definitely support your child during those first college years because they can be very stressful for them.

Paying attention to the students’ health and accommodation also plays a big part. Just in case, always bring your medical records and have a doctor check everything up before going abroad. If a student is suffering from any form of mental health issue should think to study abroad because of the possible complexities and should check if the proper medication can be found in a foreign country. However, every University has its own health program and a counselor. One of the issues that have to be discussed is alcohol consumption. There has been a lot of clichés about foreign students drinking in European countries, because of the difference in the legal boundaries. Those issues should be discussed with a parent, or another adult such as your future counselor so there wouldn’t be any problems in the future. You may not know this but a student is entitled to full medical confidentiality under HIPPA when it crosses the age of 18.

American parents and grandparents sometimes like to point out how it was “back in the days”. When visiting their beloved ones or just talking to them over the phone, they like to say how they should be happy because they are fortunate to study in another country and how it was more complicated and less luxurious back when they were younger. It’s true, the times they are a-changing, there weren’t any cell phones, no internet, and no cheap flights, so they will not have a chance to experience some elements of discomfort and adventures. Nevertheless, studying abroad will help you learn a lot about yourself, the other country, its language, culture, habits, people and everything else which comes in that package. It helps students grow in any sense, they mature maybe even faster and can become a wanted professional in their field of study.

On the other hand, some UK students just fit into their system, or they don’t have the wanted program in their country. The United States, Australia, and Canada are the most popular Anglophonic countries for studying and next to them is the Netherlands. However, the mostpopular Universities among UK students are the IE University in Madrid and Bocconi University in Milan, although being very expensive. They also share the same problems as any abroad-studying student which are homesickness, adjustment to the foreign country and its language, culture, and systems. But there can be an easier way such as choosing a partnering University abroad, which most of the UK institutions have.

As for future employment of the students, they will be enthusiastically accepted because global firms need more staff who understand cultures, languages, and markets abroad. Moving to another country also means independence which is also a big plus for the student's future and prosperity. They shouldn’t worry about their studies being accepted, they could mention it in a cover letter for a job application. If you want to study in the United States you should start preparing for admission tests as early as September, but in some European countries, you can simply register as early as September.

Parents sometimes worry about their child’s University degree being accepted & valued abroad, but students see it as a way of future-proofing their education. If you are skeptical about what to choose to study abroad, you’ve got international perspectives and those international networks that your future employer might be looking for. As well as living and studying abroad gives you a whole new perspective which attracts future employers.

All in all, everyone should get a chance to study abroad only for a year or the whole four, because it’s a great chance to explore and learn about other countries, their positive and negative values. Experience is something that you learn by yourself and maturity comes along in a package, so you shouldn’t worry so much about the negative aspects, you should only focus on the positive ones because you never know what life could bring you next.